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Futures Trading Course
$149.95/ Month ( Save $100/month )

My Right Hand Trade Training Course
The course will be delivered personally by me over ZoomRoomRadio at the pace of 1 hour per day for 20 days and then followed up by ZRR access for an entire year. This course will concentrate on intraday trade setups.
You will learn how to:
1. Take $500 from the market during a 2-Hour trading session.
2. Apply and use 5 excellent indicators.
3. Design ATM strategy for safety and reward.
4. Avoid pitfalls experienced by those who rush in with too much money.
5. Read the Mind of the Market to gain 70-80% of the time.
6. Develop & Maintain expertise & patience while executing trades.
7. Apply your trades proficiently and profitably.
8. Analyze relative strength of volume for wise decision making.
9. Identify best candle patterns for actional trade execution.
10. Protect your six while trading live.
The 20 hour personally delivered course price:
$1 ( One time )
(Downloadable Book )
00 Intro
Introductory, promotional and Informational material in documented or written forum to help viewers understand our company offerings, competency, style and content.
Here is what I am going to teach you!
01 Baseline
The Baseline is like the cornerstone of a building. From the cornerstone all construction originates. Therefore structural engineers know how to construct 70 story buildings from underground bed rock, sand and soil. The baseline of the candle is the OHLC, Open High, Low Close. OHLC is the corner stone of trading because Japanese Candlesticks define the baseline.
OHLC (open high low close) & Structure
02 Candlestick
Japanese candlesticks are new to western world traders; however, they are old to Japanese rice traders of the 1700's. The open & close (OHLC) contain the candle body where the money resides vital to traders. The high & low contain entire range of price action for the period. Reading candles is equal reading a book. Words tell stories! Candles, too, tell stories of what will most likely will occur next.
Spinner Maru (flat) Harami MRT
03 Forecast
Forecasting enables traders to read the mind of the market by pattern, harmony, Fibonacci & geometry to point toward the target where price may next reach. TimeLine tells us WHEN price may reach that target as indicated by geometry. TimeLine may be indicated by concentric circles or by cycle wave analysis. Traders may apply TimeLine analysis to estimate the time price may arrive at the target.
04 Geometry
MY FAVORITE indicator because it may define the timeframe to identify bias on a moments notice whether day, swing or position trading. A drawing tool informs the trader what to do! The tool enables prediction toward next high or low of a candle. It also helps widen the windshield into the future while conducting research & analysis to forecast upcoming trend bias.
05 Indicator
Trading platforms offer > 100 indicators. There is no way a trader could apply all of them! So, we have devoted the past 20 years analyzing a few to boil down into to about a dozen that could be usefully applied; however, there are only about a half dozen vital to identifying the ultimate trade setup signals.
RSI Weis Timer HLC IB RangeBands
06 Regimen
Regimen is defined from Habit! A series of activities must be learned gradually and repetitively so the recipient possesses the best tools to absorb and apply new information in a sequential fashion. The sequence of activities, tasks and procedures must be learned and applied in the same sequence day after day. Once regimen is established it becomes ever learned and the new lifestyle evolves into choreographed harmony and new lifestyle of predictable behavior.
Where When What How Why?
07 Signal
By reading & interpreting candle pattern signals, savvy traders enter trades wisely when certain conditions appear among the candles. Some patterns, for example, fractal highs or fractal lows, yell out (metaphorically) to buy or sell at a moment's notice within a candle pattern. Then a buy or sell may be executed with strong likelihood of gain.
Trade Alerts WRAF
08 Structure
Candle structure provides more in-depth information beyond baseline OHLC. As a result the savvy trader may rely on internal structure to enter long or short. This structure may confirm or deny existence of a highly likely trade entry opportunity.
21.4% 45/55% 78.6%
09 Terms
A variety of terms, perhaps 3 to 4 different words, may define the same concept. This multiple naming of same concept tends to confuse traders ideas or concepts being learned anew. Recipients want to learn; however, confusion from terminology variants sometimes stifles information digestion by thwarting knowledge generation.
Print Glossary of Terms Sheet
10 Timeframe
Ten timeframes incorporate the trader's spectrum of analysis. Within these frames probabilities are analyze to interpret candle structure to decide whether the next few days will be bullish or bearish. Yearly, monthly, weekly & daily charts "play it forward" into the next timeframe. Using 8, 4, 2 & 1 hour charts, we examine forward periods for indication whether bulls or bears may possibly win. Then 30, 1 their period. 5 & 15 minute charts indicate direction of next hour.
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily 8-Hour 4-Hour 2-Hour 1-Hour 1/4 Hour
11 Appendix
Appendixes and Addendum material from named sources with bibliographical information to provide attribution to source.
Additional documented material to help understanding